Thecuriousmail’s Weblog

A guide to fruit.

Posted in Uncategorized by thecuriousmail on April 26, 2021

Imagine if you could hear the cries of the countless who were assaulted and murdered by police in the past, never recorded by bystanders so questions never asked. Deniers always said there was no police violence because you had no proof. Now when you provide the proof, they say ‘oh just a bad apple’. Four police were immediately involved in the George Floyd scene.  While Chauvin killed Floyd, not one of the other three police present said or did anything to intervene, and indeed they were accessories to the murder. Four out of four are bad apples?? And what if a bad apple turns a good apple bad??

Chauvin had a disturbing disciplinary history as a police officer. Here in Australia, secrecy and unaccountability abounds: police rarely face criminal liability, because other police conduct any investigation, and because other police decide if a case goes to court. Ask yourself, how many paedophile priests would have been charged and sent to trial if the Catholic Church ran their own investigation? Of course police disciplinary records are secret, and it seems no number of flags on a individual police officer’s disciplinary record is sufficient for a ‘show cause’ to that police officer. Indeed, police often just resign but move to a different jurisdiction, there to work again as a police officer.

And so the bad apple rots in a different barrel.

As it was meant to.