Thecuriousmail’s Weblog

AFP Task Force established to enforce 1.5 metre rule at urinals.

Posted in Uncategorized by thecuriousmail on March 28, 2020




Home Affairs minister Peter “Mr Potato Head” Dutton, yesterday announced the establishment of a 500-strong AFP task force to enforce the 1.5 metre ‘social distancing’ rule at urinals in male toilets.

“Australian Federal Police officers will be making spot checks in male toilets,” Mr Dutton said, “and any persons found at a urinal flouting the 1.5 metre rule will be arrested”.

“We have no patience with people putting other people’s  lives at risk”, he added.

It is believed AFP officers will carry tape measures to validate the distance, and the calculation will be based on a shoulder-to-shoulder distance.

AFP Commissioner Kershaw said he was in full support of the crackdown, and that “this task force is further evidence of the government’s intent to protect Australians”.

Hundreds of thousands of Australians have so far lost their jobs due to the Covid-19 crisis. When asked why the cabinet had three times deferred a decision on a tenant eviction ban and mortgage deferment, as comparable countries have enacted, Mr Dutton said “the government has priorities, and that is not one of them”.

Neither Minister Dutton, nor the AFP Commissioner, would confirm or deny reports that AFP officers in the Urinal Task Force have been given permission to use lethal force, although Commissioner Kershaw cautioned offenders from turning around too quickly, as “the male member may be mistaken for a weapon.”



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