Thecuriousmail’s Weblog

Australian police ‘guarding’ statues around the clock!

Posted in Uncategorized by thecuriousmail on June 16, 2020

police protecting statues


Over 98% of the statues in public parks in Australia are of the British monarchy (Queen Victoria being the most popular), of politicians, of Cook who ‘discovered’ Australia, and of mostly hopeless white ‘explorers’ of this land.

These statues mean nothing to most Australians, being as they are of a hereditary and privileged monarchy, of politicians who almost without exception lie with every breath, of a man whose appearance lead to the servitude of a people, and of white men who mostly perished in vainglorious incompetence.

There is no statue of, or any recognition of, the First Australians.

There is no statue, or any recognition of, Australia as the first place in the industrialized world to have an 8 hour working day.

There is no statue, or any recognition of, Australia as the first place in the industrialized and so-called democratic world where women could vote.

There is no statue, or any recognition of, Australia as the first place in the world to have secret ballots.

Why would any Australian, in possession of reason, common-sense, and a sense of fairness,  want to defend these statues?

But politicians do, but police do, but the right-wing, nationalistic  and conservatives do, and the courts will compliantly enforce any hyper-penalty legislated.

If you care to think about it, there is your answer!


What must be remembered is that history shows reforms normally have to be fought for, that protest, struggle and civil disobedience succeed where reason, common-sense, evidence, and fairness,  did not, and could never.

Female enfranchisement? No, women as a gender are inherently irrational and shouldn’t be given the right the vote! An 8 hour working day? No, the country can’t afford it!

What will the future say about the people whose priority is to defend the anachronisms that have no place in an Australia for all Australians?

And police were observed to give white power hand signals, and to mock protesters. No race training, no de-escalation training, will ever work with these thugs and bullies. Oh dear . . .

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